Neck Anatomy

The final step in the oral exam is to inspect and palpate the major anatomic divisions of the neck

  • The anterior triangle is defined by the mandible superiorly and the sternocleidomastoid posteriorly. This is where the anterior cervical nodes are located.
  • The posterior triangle is bounded by the sternocleidomastoid anteriorly, the trapezius posteriorly, and the clavicle inferiorly. This is where the posterior cervical nodes are located.
  • The submandibular area is bounded by the mandible laterally and anteriorly. The floor of the mouth bounds the submandibular area superiorly. This is where the submandibular and submental nodes are located.

Inspect and Palpate

Grey's Anatomy of the Human Body 1918. Figure 602.
Grey's Anatomy of the Human Body 1918. Figure 602.