
This point in the examination presents an opportune time to reinforce regular dental visits. If gum recession is noted, it can be a sign of improper brushing technique and a chance to advise the patient to use either a soft brush or electric oscillating brush in small circular strokes. It is also a good time to reinforce the value of regular flossing.

  1. Fold the lower lip down and upper lip up to see the anterior gums.
  2. Use a tongue blade to retract the cheeks and look at the lateral gums.
  3. Note inflammation, plaque or debris at the gumline, or gingival recession.
  4. If plaque is noted, this is a teachable moment about daily flossing and more frequent, proper brushing.



Plaque Along Gumline



Normal, hereditary pigmentation of the gingiva

Mark Deutchman, MD
Mark Deutchman, MD
Mark Deutchman, MD
Mark Deutchman, MD