
Follow-up interval until the next fluoride varnish application should be determined by a child's caries risk status and whether he or she has been able to establish a dental home. Varnish application must be documented in the medical record.

Inform the caregiver

  • Child's teeth may be discolored for 24–48 hours (only with yellow products); this will be removed by thorough brushing.
  • Avoid hot, sticky or hard foods for the rest of the day. Choose soft foods same day.

Provide anticipatory guidance:

  • Emphasize importance of regular oral hygiene practices.
  • Offer dietary counseling regarding carbohydrate intake.
  • Provide dietary fluoride prescription. if appropriate.
  • Arrange referral to dental home.

If varnish is applied for white spots or active decay:

  • Provide intensive counseling on oral health (diet, hygiene, and systemic fluoride supplementation—if appropriate).
  • Arrange urgent dental referral.
  • Schedule next varnish application.