Early Childhood Caries Management

All stages of Early Childhood Caries require treatment, including:

  • Comprehensive dietary and oral hygiene counseling.
  • Fluoride Varnish to arrest cavitated lesions and prevent development of new lesions.
  • Urgent Dental Referral for Comprehensive Treatment.
    • Some cavities can be restored using fluoride releasing restorative materials.
    • Small lesions that do not require local anesthesia or high speed drills, can be stabilized using simplified restorative techniques.
    • Severe disease may require extractions, fillings or root canals.

Brown Caries from Enamel Destruction 

Joanna Douglass, BDS, DDS
Joanna Douglass, BDS, DDS
Joanna Douglass, BDS, DDS
Joanna Douglass, BDS, DDS


American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Policy on early childhood caries (ECC): Unique challenges and treatment options. The Reference Manual of Pediatric Dentistry. Chicago, Ill.: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry; 2023: 92-3.

Weyant, Robert J. et al. Topical Fluoride For Caries Prevention. JADA,  Nov 2013, Volume 144 (11): 1279–1291.