Ninety percent of oral cancers are squamous cell cancers of the mucosa. If a red or white patch appears and does not resolve, suspect leukoplakia (precancer) or cancer and pursue biopsy of the lesion. The development of a mass or ulcer is a late sign with poorer prognosis.
HPV Vaccination Linked to Decreased Oral HPV Infections, National Institute of Health, National Cancer Institute, June 5, 2017, Accessed on 1/23/2018
Kalavrezos N, Scully C. Mouth cancers for clinicians Part 6: Potentially malignant disorders. Dent Update. 2015;42(9):866-8, 871-4, 877.
Rhodus NL, Kerr AR, Patel K. Oral cancer: leukoplakia, premalignancy, and squamous cell carcinoma. Dent Clin North Am. 2014;58(2):315-40.
SEER Cancer Stat Facts: Oral Cavity and
Pharynx Cancer. National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD,